Friday, December 19, 2008


School and work were cancelled on Thursday and then again on Friday due to the snow storm. It has been fun.  

Luckily we knew that school was cancelled for Friday before going to bed on Thursday night - this meant that we could sleep in.  There is something so fun about an extra, unexpected day of getting to sleep in!!

There has been enough snow that we can sled down the driveway.  The first problem we had to tackle on Thursday was that we could not locate the sleds.  Calls to dad revealed they must be in the attic in the garage.  I tried to climb on the car to get to the attic, but then the car hood began to give way, and I began to slip and almost fell.  Deciding this was not a safe choice I found another solution:
K & A with sleds! 
What's that you say those are garbage bags? 
They are actually redneck sleds and I am quite proud of my ingenuity!!! 
The girls had a blast.

We did venture off the hill at about 3:00 to get to Fed Ex - I had stayed up until 1:00AM and had all the packages ready to ship so I was going to be damn sure they went out on Thursday.  The packages should be to everyone by Tuesday evening.  On the way home we stopped at K-Mart - I hate K-Mart but it was the only store that we pass coming home from Fed Ex. We bought a sled and the very last snow saucer. There was a run on sleds - there was only about 5-6 more sleds and a very rude lady was hogging all the sleds to look them over to be sure she had the best sled.  She was also having trouble deciding on purple or orange - so overwhelming!! The minute she put down a purple sled - I grabbed it!!
The girls had fun on the new sled and saucer.  On Friday the girls were using the new sleds, then A came to me and said - where is my sled from yesterday?  She wanted to use the plastic bag again.  What a nut!!!

We are now baking cookies for dad - he gets home tonight at 7PM.  We are making the peanut butter with chocolate kiss cookies - using a new recipe so we will see how it turns out.

More snow predicted for Saturday so T won't miss out on the sledding and can supervise the drive way and street sledding course that drives our neighbor nuts!!!

1 comment:

formerly fun said...

I'm originally from Wisconsin where our winters were filled with snow. Seeing your pictures I really miss it. Looks like everyone had fun.