Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Birthday, Santa, Tree, Recital

Sooooo much happening I can't keep up.
Birthday -
A turns 8 - we celebrate for a solid week.

I think we can move on to Christmas now!
Santa - we waited 3 hours in line at Nordstrom - some people think this is crazy. I think it is kind of fun! Free cookies and cider as well as watching all the families - some have been doing this for 30 years, some have just started. There was a baby 1 week old getting his first picture with Santa. Brought us back to the days of A's first Christmas -she was so small back then - and so quiet!!
A wants a calico kitten (real one). Santa says he does not do real animals as it is too dangerous. (Whew - Santa even says no to a kitten - poor kid)
K wants world peace and a flat screen TV for her room. Santa said, "Big order, I will see what I can do". I reiterate - flat screen TV for the family is a good idea!

3 hours is a long time!
(T really isn't stoned - just overwhelmed with Christmas decorations!)

3 trees - I gave in - K and A each get their own "pencil" pre-lit tree for their ornaments. They each decorated their tree with their ornaments, just how they wanted. Both trees are a bit heavy with ornaments on the bottom. (Agreement that the trees and ornaments go with them when they move out!!)
T and I stuck with a traditional "real" tree for the upstairs and our ornaments.
We decided to stay in Kent to buy one and stumbled upon a lot selling trees. The proceeds from the tree sales will go to help fix up an old abandoned building to become a shower and laundromat facility for the homeless.

And now for the RECITAL!
and the movie version-

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