Monday, November 24, 2008

Swimming to the Sun

Now that we are in the rainy season and the eve of the chaos holiday season is upon us- it was a welcome sight when A brought home the below - reminding me of our wonderful, relaxing vacation with  a few sunny days!  (For those of you who can't see the image - you know who you are Aunt L-click on the image and it will open in a bigger window)

Also some recent wisdom imparted by A - If a lobster was born the same day as Aunt K it would be dead - lobsters only live to be 50.  I am glad Aunt K is not a lobster!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Twilight and The Emperor Has No Clothes

I found this old post that I never did finish - so I figured the timing is right (release of Twilight movie) to finally post it.

We went to Barnes & Noble so that K could buy the next book in the Twilight series. I was glad to see her on to something other than Harry Potter (kind of no choice- last book and all has been read and re-read) and the Warriors series. However, due to Twilight she now believes not only that wizards exist but so do vampires. We have gone round and round on it. We did finally come to an agreement - I have to admit there is a slight chance that wizards and vampires could exist and she will admit there is a chance they do not. Her defense was forthright and surprisingly complicated - the highlights of the discussion are that she told me that we (thank goodness she includes herself in the "we") believe in god and cannot see him, so if we believe in something as good as god, then why not believe that there could be vampires and know that god will keep us safe from them if we truly believe and trust god. Also if we allow ourselves to believe in something evil, then we will know to be cautious of it. This is only the tip of the conversation, but then she finally asked do we have to discuss it anymore (I have to admit it was turning into a lecture).  Thus the agreement.

I can remember watching Bewitched and thinking it was real and that witches must exist so I can appreciate this. It is all part of growing up.  I do not really know the age at which I decided it was not real - kind of like some of the other childhood beliefs - I guess. We are lucky she enjoys reading so much as I believe it has created a knowledgeable young woman.

As the fury and excitement over Twilight seems to be growing - it occurs to me that K is always a step ahead of the curve.  She liked Twilight during the summer - when no one was speaking of it. I like to think she is a trendsetter.  She thrives on being different (yes that has it's consequences) but in the end - the things she does, the clothes she wears seem to always be just a step ahead of the curve.  

The Emperor Has No Clothes
While at B&N - A chose "The Emperor has No Clothes" in the clearance section.  This was (and is) one of my favorite stories from childhood.  So many times as an adult - we stop ourselves from shouting "THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES" when something is not right. (And in my case - I often state it when I shouldn't)  Since I love this story so much - I was excited to discuss it with A after she read it.  I asked her how she liked it and if she thought there was any message behind it.  She said she liked it and that the message was not to believe someone trying to sell you invisible fabric.  I said that is true, but do you think that it could also be saying that it is important to speak up when you see something you believe is not right.  She pondered this for a bit and finally said - "yes you are right"  (I am very pleased with my self as she takes a pause) then continues on to say "Especially when you see someone in an outfit with invisible fabric or if someone is trying to sell you invisible fabric - you should definitely stand up for yourself"

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween - Start to Finish

Most people believe that Halloween is one day long - this is a myth. Halloween begins November 1 - this is the day the kids begin plotting what they will dress up as next year and how they will do it differently next year to maximize the candy influx.  Then there is a lull in Halloween thoughts (hopefully), as thoughts turn to Christmas - which is now beginning to take over the shelves in the stores where Halloween merchandise had been.  Actually Target had an aisle 2 weeks ago that was Halloween on one side, then Christmas on the other - yeee gads!  At any rate - Halloween in our house resumed our thoughts at the end of September when A began whining on the way home that she was the only one of all her friends that had not figured out what to be for Halloween.  Luckily talking through it - and while shopping we came up with a costume.  Then we were able to hold off further thoughts until about 2 weeks ago when we decided to go get pumpkins since T was leaving for DC.  We ended up at a small little farm by our house that had the pumpkins already cut, but none the less you could stand amongst the pumpkins for photo opportunity. 
 We started out going to the bigger farm down the road, but there were too many people with screaming kids and we couldn't even find a place to park. I whined that I really was not a "people person" and I was sure that people would be breathing my air (I was a little grumpy that day)- so we ended up at a small family farm down the road that sold pumpkins and some fruits and vegetables.  Simpler and helps out the little farmer instead of the big farmer!!

Then we arrived home and unloaded the pumpkins -
We then carved the pumpkins the next week.  A wanted to make hers into a carriage.  Similar to Cinderella's but you cannot call it that in front of A as she wants it to be simply a "Carriage". She saw the idea in Hallmark magazine and decided that is what she would do this year for her pumpkin.  K likes to do this little Kitty face with it's paws each year.  She is really getting quite good at it.  This year as we were carving - it seemed like we had turned a corner - neither of the girls really needed much help as they carved out the sections.  A wanted me to scoop out the "guts" because she thinks that it is "So Gross!"  It made me simultaneously sad and happy as I realized this is yet another little thing that shows how they are growing up and becoming independent. It all passes so fast.
The next Halloween festivity is the class trip to the "The Farm".  Literally that is what it is called - The Farm.  This is the last year for the trek to The Farm as only K-2 get to go for field trip there.  It is fun and the kids have fun running around.  There is a hay maze in the barn, a petting zoo,  a ride on trailers pulled by a tractor out to the pumpkin field to pick your pumpkin, then a place to have lunch.
Now on to Halloween eve -this involves  running around the house making sure everyone has all the parts to their costume, that home work has been done, some kind of nutritious meal served (you know the next day will be full of sugar-so I always try to combat it by a super healthy meal on Halloween eve), and then usually some baking for the class Halloween party.  This year it was 24 cupcakes for the kids in K-2  to decorate.  I finished the baking and frosting the cupcakes at about 11 pm - which is a record seeing as how I did not start baking until about 8pm and was attempting to watch Survivor while doing the baking.

And then the day is finally here - HALLOWEEN.  We of course are late to school  - it is raining and this always throws traffic into a conundrum.  I pick the girls up from school (it is still raining) and we head south to go stop by the house and fine tune our costumes before heading to Kent Station.  As we arrived in Kent, the rain stopped and the sun actually began to break through the clouds.  While we are at the house getting ready - I talk A into letting me take one picture with the feather hat - and she agrees.  
Story about the feather hat - when Aunt L heard A was going to be pirate - she brought us 3 different style hats for A to choose from.  A fell in love with the simplest one - it had gold on it and she did not want to wear the awesome one with the feathers.  In pirate speak - AARGH!!! Thanks to Aunt L for transporting the hats on an airplane.
From the house (yes it is still sunny and not raining) we head down to Kent Station to meet up with Auntie T, J, and E.  We trick or treated for a bit there while we were waiting for Auntie T.  
The girls are running from the movie theater - not because they just stole all the candy, but because the movie theater was handing out movie sized packaged rice krispy treats - the huge ones - they were running to tell me about the loot!  Mind you - when I buy the packaged rice krispy treats - they go uneaten.
It was mobbed and the stores were all running out of candy -yes, even the Mac Store had run out of candy!  A was quite excited to go to See's to trick or treat - her logic was that they would not run out of candy!!! She was right!
Auntie T and her girls arrived and we went to the stores we had not yet been to.  All the while A and J chatting like crazy. They hadn't seen each other in awhile and had alot to catch upon. It was so cute.
We all went back to the house and had some soup and crackers and cheese.  The girls played in the playroom for awhile.  Then Auntie T and the girls had to go home to get to bed.

But wait that's not all - it was only 7:30, it still wasn't raining, so the girls and I went out for some neighborhood trick or treating  - along the way one of the little girls from the neighborhood joined us.  We did the entire block.  It was a slow night for trick or treaters, so most of the houses were giving out handfuls of candy.  The neighborhood trick or treating ended with me deciding to cut through this vacant lot that has this old building on it.  It sits by a vacant house on a dirt road. Well needless to say there was something growling in the tall grass by the building as we went by, then it started to growl louder - so I made all 3 girls run down the dirt road to our street. I didn't know I could run that fast. Luckily nothing chased out after us - but it was a bit of a fright - appropriate for Halloween night.  We made it home and went through the candy.  K sorted her candy (she does this every year - she sorts it by type and puts all the like items together, then counts what she has the most and least of).  A just digs into hers and wants "more - Pleeeease".

Exhausted, we did not get up until 9AM on Saturday!!
We hope you all had a Happy and Safe Halloween.