Monday, December 13, 2010

Birthday, Recital, Gingerbread Houses

Zero Teen
Amelia just turned 10.  She is so excited to be in the double digits, hates the term "Tween", and since she can't wait to be a TEEN - she has proclaimed she is "Zero Teen".  Slow down girl - momma can't handle this growing up stuff!! As therapy I put together a slide show of the first decade of Amelia. 

Recital-Katie Irish Dance
Many have asked - here is a movie of Katie's Irish Dance Recital from this weekend. Katie is the tallest one in the middle. Sorry it's bit blurry, but you get the idea!
Gingerbread Houses
In celebration of such a busy weekend and to continue with our Christmas Festivities, we enjoyed building some Gingerbread Houses with Auntie T, J, and E!! Next year each kid gets their own - everyone has their own idea of what the Gingerbread house should look like!!

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