Thursday, November 20, 2008

Twilight and The Emperor Has No Clothes

I found this old post that I never did finish - so I figured the timing is right (release of Twilight movie) to finally post it.

We went to Barnes & Noble so that K could buy the next book in the Twilight series. I was glad to see her on to something other than Harry Potter (kind of no choice- last book and all has been read and re-read) and the Warriors series. However, due to Twilight she now believes not only that wizards exist but so do vampires. We have gone round and round on it. We did finally come to an agreement - I have to admit there is a slight chance that wizards and vampires could exist and she will admit there is a chance they do not. Her defense was forthright and surprisingly complicated - the highlights of the discussion are that she told me that we (thank goodness she includes herself in the "we") believe in god and cannot see him, so if we believe in something as good as god, then why not believe that there could be vampires and know that god will keep us safe from them if we truly believe and trust god. Also if we allow ourselves to believe in something evil, then we will know to be cautious of it. This is only the tip of the conversation, but then she finally asked do we have to discuss it anymore (I have to admit it was turning into a lecture).  Thus the agreement.

I can remember watching Bewitched and thinking it was real and that witches must exist so I can appreciate this. It is all part of growing up.  I do not really know the age at which I decided it was not real - kind of like some of the other childhood beliefs - I guess. We are lucky she enjoys reading so much as I believe it has created a knowledgeable young woman.

As the fury and excitement over Twilight seems to be growing - it occurs to me that K is always a step ahead of the curve.  She liked Twilight during the summer - when no one was speaking of it. I like to think she is a trendsetter.  She thrives on being different (yes that has it's consequences) but in the end - the things she does, the clothes she wears seem to always be just a step ahead of the curve.  

The Emperor Has No Clothes
While at B&N - A chose "The Emperor has No Clothes" in the clearance section.  This was (and is) one of my favorite stories from childhood.  So many times as an adult - we stop ourselves from shouting "THE EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES" when something is not right. (And in my case - I often state it when I shouldn't)  Since I love this story so much - I was excited to discuss it with A after she read it.  I asked her how she liked it and if she thought there was any message behind it.  She said she liked it and that the message was not to believe someone trying to sell you invisible fabric.  I said that is true, but do you think that it could also be saying that it is important to speak up when you see something you believe is not right.  She pondered this for a bit and finally said - "yes you are right"  (I am very pleased with my self as she takes a pause) then continues on to say "Especially when you see someone in an outfit with invisible fabric or if someone is trying to sell you invisible fabric - you should definitely stand up for yourself"

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