Friday, December 25, 2009

Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year)

Hoping everyone had a wonderful holiday and wishing you all a Happy New Year.

Weeee'rrrreee baaaack!!! We have returned safely from a marvelous time in Maui. When we left yesterday the temperature was 85 degrees - when we woke up this morning in the NW - the temp was 25!!! We had a quiet Christmas morning and are so thankful of the opportunity to have had such a wonderful vacation. Working to settle back in to the climate as well as preparing for back to work on Monday - aargh!!

Here are some highlights as well as a few things we learned in Maui -
Did you know there are 15 ways you can tie a sarong?Did you know that Maui boasts some of the most beautiful sunsets - made even more grand by my kids in them!!!
My husband's new favorite shirt - not sure how a tie will look with this when he returns to work? Hoping he will surrender it so that I can wash it soon!!!Some of the rules for the trip - we found this list the first night in Maui at "Cheeseburger Island Style". I would love to say rule #1 was followed - however confined to a one room hotel with a teenager and a 9 year old - there was some whining!!!
I wish they always got along like that - in the wave is Boogie Board Dad - we couldn't get him out of the surf - killer waves on Tuesday and Wednesday - the ultimate for boogie boarding!!
The trip to Haleakala - 37 miles of winding road - but was worth the drive. On the way down - Kit was quite excited as we drove through the clouds - she was reaching out the car window "grabbing" the clouds and exclaiming - "I can't believe I am touching the clouds!" It was so fantastic to experience this through her eyes!!! I had never really thought about how spectacular it is to "touch" the clouds.
And now we have some sunglasses - K looks about 21 in her sunglasses - how quick they grow up!!
Boogie Board Dad - carting all the towels and gear to the beach!!!
Another Maui sunset with my beautiful kids - this was right before the Luau.

Monday, November 9, 2009

End of Summer/Beginning of Fall updates

Finally an update from the NW – sorry, I have not felt much in a blogging mood since July.

Here is the story - after I wrote the last blog - I was cleaning up the goat pen and cut my heel on the fence - resulting in driving myself to the hospital for 8 sutures, then the pool deck replacement became this horrible experience (and it still is), we became proud parents of a teenager, school started, I was "promoted" at work, my employee quit, searching for high schools, and on, and on - therefore to tell the truth I have not been much into or had spare time for the blogging scene of late. Who wants to hear about our troubles? OOPS you just did! Thanks for listening -

Please know that I am thankful for all that we have, and I realize that things could be way worse. I have been focusing lately on what we DO have and how lucky we truly are, so I think I might have my mojo back and might be out of my funk, so will try to update and share the last 3 months happenings. Not unlike anyone else - so many changes in our life are taking place.

The Before and After:
Back fence area before (first day) Goats:

Back fence after Goats:

Here is a video of the pool deck remodel showing the before, during, and after:
(Side note -as mentioned above the pool deck remodel has turned into a giant fiasco – it seems
during the process, System Pavers broke some of the pipes that lead back to the pump – so now if we run the pump – we leak water into the ground wasting water and seeping air into the pump!! Contract we signed with System Pavers says "not responsible for broken pipes..." Now in addition to being out the $$$ for the pool deck, we will need to sink more $$ into fixing the plumbing. I would say let’s just fill in the pool – except we are so far into this, to turn back would be even more fiscally irresponsible!!! However we may take a year or 2 off of the pool and regroup prior to the fixing the plumbing problems. I can only imagine how much the plumbing repair is going to cost)

The W family from Reno (my old sis and her crew-yes T &B I used that term you so hate "crew") came up to see us for a STAYCATION - we had a great time - riding bikes (so many bike rides that finally Kit said "NO MORE BIKE RIDES"), swimming in the pool, beach-combing, celebrating K's 13th and Uncle C's ?? birthdays, riding light rail, seeing the sights, X-box Rockband, and having some good ol' family fun with the cousins and aunts and uncles:

Speaking of
K's 13th - much fun and many parties were had - in addition to the one mentioned above there were these as well:
Co-celebration with E - E turned 3 - one week after K turned 13 so we had a double party - just us girls!!! J & Little E are just the cutest!!!

And the big finale birthday - was at Great Wolf Lodge Indoor Water Park - hooray for J riding the big slide!!

K & Kit on the first day of school this year:

A look back - K & Kit on the first day of Kindergarten:

Random Updates as to what we are doing these days:
K is addicted to Irish Dancing – she is doing great at it and works so hard –here she is getting ready to perform at the Portland Feis (I didn't know you are not supposed to take pictures during the competitions-oh well no one stopped me!)

Kit has begun horseback riding lessons – she is doing quite well and it is amazing to me that she gets on this huge animal each week and controls all that it does (this is Amigo with Kit):

T is working hard and for now hardly traveling - yahoo!!! He has been to a sleep doctor for a sleep study - guess what - the snoring is actually sleep apnea - how surprised I was to hear this - NOT!!! Sometimes when he snores - I poke him during the long silences to be sure he is still breathing and not dead - turns out I was right - he does actually stop breathing during the snores. Well instead of me poking at him, the doctor thinks he should get a CPAP (breathing machine thingy) he can wear while he sleeps. He will return to the sleep doctor for the CPAP later this week. We will see how this plays out - I am hoping that he will be very rested as a result of the breathing machine thingy and the abscence of sleep apnea and he will be full of energy to do all the things we never have the energy to do (house cleaning, yard cleaning, goat tending, children tending, etc...). If he is not well rested and the breathing thingy does not work out - we can always go back to me poking him (it has been working for the last 17 years).

As I stated - I received a "promotion" at work. When I told my mom about it, she pretty much summed it up for what it really is- "So you will be doing your old job plus the job of someone else and managing the employees she used to manage? Oh honey!" (with sincere but definite pity in her voice). So yes in addition to my "old job" I am now supervising 2 Project Coordinators and a newly hired Administrative Assistant. It has been a very intense learning curve and continues to be one, however I am enjoying the challenge and being part of other programs. I have been in my own "little world " at work for so long (15 years) and it is great to be seeing the research being done by other programs. I am fortunate to be working with some of the world's most renowned cancer researchers. Might I also add - I know I am very lucky to have a job with a promotion in this economy.

In addition to my promotion - turns out that a new employee benefit is rides for the family in my boss' sports car - thanks GBM!

(Teaching Kit to wave appropriately)

So that is it for now - Blog to you again soon!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All Alone/Heat Wave

On Monday morning I dropped the girls off at an overnight horse camp. T left for Dallas on Sunday for 2 weeks and so I was looking forward to this time by myself - the first time in 13 years where I have been JUST ME. It is now Wednesday and as I suspected would happen - I miss them all terrible. I dropped the girls off with a counselor named Krypton. I am not sure how to spell that - she is from Eugene - so probably a quite common name in Eugene!! Seemed like a very nice girl - looked so young to be taking care of MY kids. I saw their bunk rooms - K wouldn't let me leave until I saw the rooms, Kit wanted me gone as soon as we arrived!! Camp looked so fun - dunk tanks, swimming pools, zip lines... and the horseback riding. How lucky they are - I wish I could go to camp. Today I am so worried - are the girls drinking enough water? Are they having fun? Are they remembering sunscreen? Should I call? No news is good news? I am going with "no news is good news" - if I am needed they will call. Right?

The Seattle area just broke the record for the highest temperature EVER - the official reported temperature was 102 for today. Our temperature shows this:
(it says 104.7!)

I have been keeping busy so far this week - we are still in the midst of pool deck reconstruction (this gets its own blog post if it ever gets done!), work is busy, I rode the light rail and streetcar to work today, on Monday I tried to shop after work - no money and the heat sent me home to find the goats laying by the pool - they had broken out of the pen, and taken a dip in the pool and were laying by the torn up pool!! I was able to coerce them back in the pen and secure it - I think they were able to get under a part of the fence. I can now add "hammer fence post into hard dry ground" to my list of accomplishments. I found out on Tuesday that the workmen saw they were out and tried to get them back in the pen, but with no luck. Enrique kept saying "I looked and they just appeared on the wrong side of the fence!" They had tried to create a secure enclosure - but Taz and Rusty are quite crafty and were able to break out again and take a dip in the pool. So far no more break outs - but I think they are just too hot to try. This morning I created a little shade area for them -
They seem content with it. Tons of places are offering refuge from the heat - libraries, community centers, malls... I am wondering if I can bring the goats and cats? Actually we are very lucky and have central air at our house- it was one of those unplanned, non-budgeted, splurges sold to us with the new furnace that we did, and until this week, I maintained wasn't necessary - now I am very thankful to have the central air. I have contemplated bringing the goats into the house - but I am concerned how I would contain them - I was thinking K's room or the playroom - they could eat through the mess!! Problem is - they are not selective in there bathroom habits so this could create a whole other set of problems!!

I had an entire list of things to accomplish while I was ALL ALONE - however it is so hot I have not accomplished any of them (I know - I have air conditioning and should be able to accomplish cleaning up the mess inside). Oh well - the tasks will always be there for me when it cools down!!

Friday at 1:00PM I get to pick up the girls and have an afternoon at camp with them - I can't wait!!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Camera Found/First Feis

The camera has been found!!! I am glad that it was located - just in time for K's very first Feis yesterday. What the heck is a Feis? A Feis is an Irish Dance competition and K competed in her first one yesterday. She had signed up for the "First Feis" category, but then because there were not enough people signed up in this category - they moved her up to Beginning Level. The exciting part is that she placed 3rd in the Single Jig in this higher level - way to go K!!!

The other events in the camera -
Drive In Movie - back on a Friday night in June - K, Kit, and I decided to go to double feature drive in movie - we saw The Proposal and Up -all for $9.00. It was super fun - K and I had the front seat, Kit had the back seat, we were in our pajamas/sweats, had homemade popcorn, packed sodas and candy and made a night of it. One problem was that we chose the night of the Summer Solstice, so it did not get dark until about 10PM, which meant we were out until about 2AM - we slept until 11Am the next day!!!

Kalaloch Lodge; Forks (Twilightville)
K had been wanting to go to Forks - the setting for the books Twilight. So we had a mini vacation to Forks and the NW coast area of Washington.
Forks is an old logging town in the far NW corner of the state. The Twilight excitement has revitalized the town of Forks. It is now tourist heaven for fans of the book Twilight - there is even a chain of stores called "Twilight" and some local kids dress up as the characters in the book and walk around town letting tourists snap pictures of them. The movie Twilight was not filmed in Forks - not sure why, but I am told that it was filmed in another town close to here - so we might venture that way some day soon. This was the first stop on the mini vacation.
The next stop was to Kalaloch Lodge. They even had the Twilight theme going on - we had the Twilight room package which included 2 Twilight water bottles, a map of the locations in the book, and a Twilight dessert (chocolate decadance with raspberry puree). Kalaloch Lodge was great - it was right on the ocean with miles and miles of beach, no cell phone reception, and no TV. The weather was great - we had a bit of NW misting on Saturday night - but we were able to walk the beach and then retire to the room to read. We had a great time and plan to go back.
(note the girls are blue - the water was freezing - it didn't stop them - they had a blast)
The true NW beach gear!!

We also ventured to the Hoh Rain Forest for some trail hiking. On the way we found a side road that led to the largest Western Red Cedar. Two items of note - how do we know that this is the largest cedar? How can anyone know that something is the "largest"? The sign - note the graffiti - I read the sign, took the picture, hiked around it and still didn't see it - can you? T noticed it right off - and then proceeded to point it out to the girls - and once the girls saw it they thought it was hilarious - I never knew the mention of a body part could be so funny!!

July 4th @ Camano Island
The last 3 years we have been invited to one of Kit's friends birthday parties on Camano Island. Her birthday is July 4th and they have a barbecue at their place on Utsalady Cove/North Side of Camano Island each year. They invite about 2-3 other families -all the kids are about the same age and they get along great. It is so beautiful and the kids have a blast.

Kit wrangling the aligator! And yes the water was freezing!!!
K and Kit on the rock.
Not sure I want to know what the plan is for that glob of seaweed. She no doubt has a plan or an experiment in mind!!!

Wallingford Parade
Here is K in the Wallingford Parade. Kit did not want to walk in the parade - two reasons - 1) It was ghastly hot and 2) She figured out last year that if you walked in the parade, then you didn't get any of the candy that is tossed to the parade watchers.

And finally the last photo from the camera -
(Warning - if you are Republican - do not read any further)

If you are Republican - and are reading this - it is not my fault!!!
You really should listen to directions better!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Catching Up - The New Normal

Yes it has been about a month since I last wrote/updated and at that time I promised a loooong post - well here it is!!!

Remember back in March how I was whining that we were soooo busy - I made the mistake of saying "I can't keep up - this has to change". Life then went into hyperdrive and I now realize that March was a piece of cake - almost leisurely. Since March, there has been a new niece, vacation to DC, lay offs at work, pre-teen meltdowns, school projects, and on, and on. At any rate - I have come to realize I will never catch up on anything - work, parenting, school projects, house cleaning (really do you believe I am trying on this one?), yard work, and most of all the blog. But here I am - I will attempt to catch everyone up with our lives. Catching up - the new normal. Obviously this is a looonnnng post.

Most exciting of all is that in May our second niece was born - Welcome Scarlett True!!! She is so cute. I think she looks a bit like Kit when Kit was a baby. Reports from the east are that she is doing well and getting big. Check out the blog with her smiling - too cute.

Through out my life “Spring Break” has meant many things. I don’t actually remember ever having spring break when I was in elementary school. However, in junior high and high school I can remember having spring break and it meaning that summer swim season was just around the corner and time with no school meant extra swim teamworkouts. My senior year in High School I remember spending spring break working extra hours at Mervyn’s to earn money for college. In college spring break meant going to La Jolla/San Diego for swim team intense training for University of Nevada. It was great – we stayed about 2 blocks from the beach – the week was spent with a 3 hour morning work out, mid-day going to the beach and hanging out in the condos, then another 3-4 hour swim work out, followed by a big dinner at some nice restaurant. We also had one day with only a morning workout and we travelled across the border to Tijuana, Mexico. Pretty cool because we could purchase Tequila and Kahlua at 18. Pretty big bummer when Customs took it from us when we crossed back into the US!!! We still had our Mexican beach blanket -try to take that Customs!!

Once you get out of college – spring break means nothing - just another week the week to avoid taking a vacation so as not to have to deal with kids. Then when your kids reach school age, spring break becomes the dilemma of do we travel or do we find day camp for them? This year we chose TRAVEL – not only travel, but travel to Washington DC! T orignally had to go to DC for a class, so we planned to tag along using frequent flier miles and crashing in on his hotel. The class was cancelled, but luckily he was due for some time at headquarters. T toured with us on Friday-Sunday and then he worked Monday-Friday. He looked so handsome in his suits each day – not the park ranger I married!!!
Now I thought this was an original idea – go to DC for spring break. Turns out – this is a very popular idea – as Meanest Mom states it – “Every 8th Grader in the US descends upon DC, Philadelphia, and NYC for spring break”. This is quite true and everywhere you turned was a group of middle schoolish age kids!!! Despite this plethora of teendome, we had a terrific time.

I did not know it, but at the same time we were planning our DC spring break trip – my sister L was too!!
We were able to meet up with her and her crew quite a few times, however in the excitement of being with my sister, I forgot to take pictures - these are the only ones I have - aargh!
Nephew T - watching changing of the guard at Arlington Cemetary - he is looking so grown up!!

In addition Memere and Papa also travelled down from MA to spend time with us.
It was great to see everyone.

We began our journey on Thursday with Kit being grumpy and tired.
This is Kit on the plane to DC. I thought that she was just excited/nervous about the trip. Then she began complaining about her ear hurting. Took temp – only 99.3. She says she is up to going on vacation, but does not eat anything all day. We get to hotel, she sleeps, and wakes up grumpier. Take temp – holding at 99. She eats some breakfast, seems to feel a bit better, then we head out to DC via the Metro. She still seems okay. We get back - kids want to go swimming - Kit splashes a bit and says - I want to go back to our room - I feel her forehead and she is burning up. I take her temp - 103. We proceed to ask at front desk for a clinic and then use the worthless GPS to find the clinic - Kit has strep throat. Nurse "discusses" with me that whenever a child has that a high of fever, she should be seen by a doctor immediately. Bad mom guilt abounds!!!

Museums galore- there are so many museums in DC it is hard to see them all. It is incredible. The Smitshonian museums are all free - this is amazing to me. There is so much to see and do. What really amazed me (other than the free admission) is that you really got a sense of where our country has come from and where perhaps it is going. There is hope for the future. The museums really made me see that as a nation we have been at the "bottom" before and each time we have triumphed - I think we can do it again.
Capitol Tour - we were lucky enough (along with the 3,000 middle school children) to get a guided Capitol Tour. To get the "guided" tour, you go to your Senator's website, and send an email with the places in DC you want to go. They arrange for one of their staffers to give you a guided tour. You are supposed to arrange this 6 months in advance - however I did it 6 weeks in advance so we only received the Capitol Tour. However, it was a great experience. The Capitol Building has just been renovated and it is incredible to stand in the same halls of former presidents, senators, and congressmen. T met us at the Capitol Building for the tour after work. He was all dressed in his suit and tie with his laptop case. Everyone kept thinking he was a "staffer" and asking him questions. Each time someone asked if he was a staffer, where's your badge, he would get embarrassed. After our tour was done, the tour guide let us ride the little tram that goes under ground from the Capitol Building to the building Senator Murray's office is in. It was fun for most of us -thanks Papa for putting up with visiting a Democrat Senators' office!!! How painful for you!!!

Speaking of Papa - it was great to be with Memere and Papa. Thanks for coming down to be with us. I walked you all over DC, but I hope you had fun. I laugh every time I think of the Papa Dance -for those not with us - "what's that you say?" - the Papa Dance is the dance Papa does to find his Metro Ticket. You put your right hand on your right shirt pocket, you put your left hand on your left shirt pocket, then you move your right hand to your front trouser pocket, then you move your left hand to your left trouser pocket, then you move your right hand to your back pocket and pull out your wallet - but then you need your glasses so you start over with the right hand on the right shirt pocket....(think Macarena) and then you find your Metro ticket - or you don't and you piggy back your wife or granddaughter through the gate. This then causes a problem on the other end when you try to exit Metro. By the end of the week however - Papa did a pretty quick dance and could find the ticket with ease (yeah right!). I crack up just thinking about it. The girls still do the Papa Dance - it seems to work in finding lost articles.

Speaking of Metro- I LOVE METRO - it was so easy to use and there was a train about every 6 minutes. The longest we ever waited was 12 minutes. Unlike Seattle - where the train runs only during commute hours and then runs every 1/2 hour or 40 minutes.
Back to Papa - he was with "his kind" the day we visited the Capitol building - this was the day of the Reverse Tea Party- I don't actually know what was being protested but it had to do with disdain for the current administration and their policies. In support Papa wore a tea bag on his jacket. Mind you it was pouring rain that day - so the tea bag got a little wet - but don't despair - he had more. This is what the US is about - everyone having a right to their opinion and being allowed to speak/protest/demonstrate. It was a fun day - in spite of the Tea Party supporter in our party. He almost had Kit convinced to wear a tea bag - until I told her that it meant she did not agree with Obama - she then threw her tea bag away - Way to go Kit!!!
Map envy- while in DC I learned how important a good tourist map is. My sister had this really cool map - she would not give it to me - then I found an even better map - now who has map envy!!!!

Hotel- nice, close to a Metro station, had a pool however the pool was small and 30 kids descended upon it all at 5PM when it opened - kids were swimming on top of other kids - quite a sight. The hotel offered free breakfast AND dinner- kind of cool really. Then there was the fire alarm - I was headed up from our room on the 3rd floor to meet everyone in Memere & Papa's room on the 17th floor - but heard a fire alarm. Called T and said do you hear the fire alarm? He said no- then opened the door and heard it so worked to evacuate Memere, Papa, the girls and himself using the stairs from the 17th floor. The girls ran down the stairs ahead of T, then T, then Memere, - who leaves there mother in a stairwell during a fire alarm - shame on you T. He also abandoned Papa in the room. In T's defense he was trying to catch the girls to be sure they were safe. In the meantime, it sounded to me like the alarm had stopped, so I proceeded to take the elevator up to the 17th floor where I met Papa who was wandering the hall looking perplexed - he was looking for the exit stairwell (which was right next to his room). I then could hear the fire alarm again. So we proceeded down the stairs - 17 floors and exited the building - fire truck was there, but no one else was outside. Turns out it happens all the time - someone burned popcorn, opened the door, and it set off the fire alarm. Even the front desk ignores the alarm. Yes I had the same question - what if there really is a fire - no one evacuates? How does one tell? I did lose a bit of sleep that night and was thankful we were on the 3rd floor rather than 17th!!! (T has since found a new hotel in DC to stay at - perhaps one that utilizes the fire alarm system).

I really had a good time in DC - this was the first time I had ever been there and I can't wait to go back. There is still so much we did not see. I think it is a place you could return to many times and see something new and different each time. Next time there won't be the dark cloud of layoffs (I hope).

While I was in DC, my only employee was told she was laid off - effective in 60 days. THIS TOTALLY SUCKED. I have never felt such a sense of helplessness, despair, and disbelief. Everything I proposed - was not possible. While in DC, I would think about it, and my eyes would well up and I would begin to cry - just out of the blue. I knew it would be hard when I returned back from vacation. Now 3 months later - it still really sucks. However, the thing I miss the most is the comaraderie of a good friend at work. A true friend. She was not only my employee, but my friend for 12 years. We have been together through births, an adoption, diets, 3 other assistants, and many, many, conversations troubleshooting and solving all the problems of the world. She kept me on an even note and remained calm in all the storms. I am adjusting - I am realizing there will never be a slow time again at work, I am one person, I come to work and complete as many items on the to-do list as possible in a day. When the items become urgent they move to the top of the list and I work to get them done first. The one thing I do not know is how I can ever adjust to the loss of working with such a great person and friend. There will never be someone as wonderful to work with as she- I miss you Amy!!!

We went to the Tulip Festival this year - it was beautiful weather and we had a great time. My mom was here visiting as well so got some pics with her -
The routine picture in the row of tulips - signs everywhere say not to go in the rows of tulips and yet everyone does!!!

The goats are doing well. By July 4 they had eaten most of the area that we had contained them to so we had to open a bigger section - they really like variety. Rusty really proves that the grass does always look greener on the other side. He is constantly trying to get under the fence to get to the other side. One time he succeeded (before we had "opened" up the other section) and when T was chasing him back to the safe zone - he jumped in the pool to escape. Luckily I was able to grab his horn to keep him close to the side and then T was able to lift him out of the deep end of the pool. Goats are part of the deer family, so they can swim, they just don't like it!!! Even with tons of fresh vegetation, Rusty still tries to get under the fence to the "greener" pastures.

Do you think taking the Vitamin B has made me less bitchy?
I asked T this one - he looked like a deer in the headlights. I never did get an answer.